Forests and Forest Product Journal

Contributions of Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs) to household economy of rural dwellers in the tropical forest zone of Ondo State, Nigeria.


Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) are often of particular importance as source of livelihoods for rural dwellers. Even in rural communities where several other livelihood activities exist, dependence on NTFPs is still common. These NTFPs are particularly dominant in the tropical rainforest ecosystem, which is noted for its high biodiversity. This study examined the access of rural dwellers to NTFPs and its impact on household economy in the rainforest zone of Ondo State, Nigeria. Five local government areas (LGAs) were randomly selected within the study area, while four rural communities were randomly selected from each of the LGAs. Primary data were collected through in-depth interviews with key informants, focus group discussions and household interviews. Pre-tested semi-structured questionnaire was administered to ten respondents in each of the sampled communities, with a total of 200 respondents interviewed. The study presents the importance of NTFPs to rural livelihoods in terms of both cash and household subsistence, cash income generation only and household subsistence only. Findings revealed that most households in the study area depend on the incomes from a variety of different income generating activities. This multiple income strategy is evident in the study area. The results showed that NTFPs do not present a significant component of livelihoods strategies accounting for not more than 17% of annual total household income in tropical forest zone of Ondo State, Nigeria. It was revealed that for rural dwellers, collection of NTFPs is a basic necessity rather than an alternative source of income. The results indicated that the incomes derived from NTFPs may not be substantial enough for the communities to participate in conservation efforts in the study area.

Keywords:  Rural dwellers, household economy, NTFPs, tropical forest zone, Nigeria

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